Sermon for January 7, 2024 (Mission Festival)

John 4:1-9, 28-30, 39-42: Jesus Goes Where He Shouldn’t

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Guest Preacher: Pastor Bounkeo Lor, Hmong Asia Ministry Coordinator

There are various needs we have in this life. Needs for things like food, shelter, and water. In our Gospel reading for today we hear of a Samaritan woman who had needs she hoped would be filled by Jesus as she was drawing water from a well. But Jesus didn’t give her what she was looking for. No, he instead elevated the conversation to the one profound need she had. Jesus led her to see that he is the water of life. He used the mirror of the law to incite in her a thirst for mercy that only he could provide. And this woman who saw Jesus for who he was and what he provided then couldn’t help but go and tell others about the one she believed to be the Christ!

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